
在蔡司Crossbeam系列中,您可選擇Crossbeam 350或者Crossbeam 550,來滿足您急需的表征應用,您還可選擇不同的樣品倉尺寸從而更好的兼容您的樣品。
In the Zeiss Crossbeam series, you can choose Crossbeam 350 or Crossbeam 550 to meet your urgent need for characterization applications, and you can also choose a different sample chamber size for better compatibility with your samples.
Zeiss Crossbeam 350
Scanning electron beam system Gemini I cylinder
Variable pressure option
Sample bin size and interface the standard sample bin has 18 extension ports
The X/Y travel of the sample table is 100mm
Charge control charge neutralization gun
Local charge neutralizer
Variable pressure
Optional: Inlens SE and Inlens EsB* probes capture both SE and EsB imaging
VPSE detector
Features a wide range of sample compatibility due to the use of variable pressure mode, suitable for all kinds of in-situ experiments, which can obtain SE/EsB images in turn