Multitube Assemblies
Gas Proportioners
The flow tubes shown on this page can be installed into the FL3000, gas proportioning FL-1GP Series or multiple tube FL-2AA Series 150 mm rotameters. Flow capacities shown are based on calibrations with air and water at 21°C (70°F) and 14.7 psia. For other fluids or conditions, the following equations provide rough approximations.
Qa = Qg x [G x (Ta/T0) x (P0/Pa)]1/2
Qa = equivalent air flow scale reading at Standard Conditions
Qg = true flow of metered gas
G = specific gravity of metered gas
Ta = absolute temperature at flow conditions (Kelvin or Rankine)
T0 = absolute temperature at standard conditions (294 K or 530°R)
Pa = pressure at flow conditions (psia)
P0 = pressure at Standard Conditions (14.7 psia)
Qw = QL x [(df - dw)/(df - dL)) x (dL/dw)]1/2
Qw = equivalent water flow capacity at Standard Conditions
QL = max flow of metered liquid
df = density of float selected
Glass: 2.53 g/ml
Sapphire: 3.98 g/ml
Stainless Steel: 8.04 g/ml
Carboloy: 14.98 g/ml
Tantalum: 16.58 g/ml
dL = density of metered liquid, g/ml
dw = density of water at Standard Conditions (1.0 g/ml)
(note: does not include viscosity effect)